Trainee with chronic illness causing additional costs

Chronic illness with additional financial expenses abroad

Honorary Declaration for Additional Funding for Erasmus traineeship. You agree to provide
supporting proof/documentation upon request.

Possible Proof: Medical certificate, stating additional financial expenses abroad because of the chronic illness; notification from the office for social services (Landessozialamt), etc.

Real Cost Application
If particularly high additional costs arise for your stay abroad, a so-called "real cost application" can be submitted instead with a few months´ notice. For this, it is necessary to provide a detailed list with all items expected to cause additional costs. Combining this funding and a top-up is possible if the reason of the top-up (e.g. continuously employed during studies) and the "real cost application" (e.g. chronic illness) are different. The application has to be submitted with at least three months´ advance notice.

Useful Links and Reports

Links| Website of the Erasmus Student Network: Videos with reports, networks, list of universities | wheelchair accessible places

 Experience Reports (German)
Als Diabetikerin auf Teneriffa, Malta und in Großbritannien

Mit Gehbehinderung in Spanien

Mit Zöliakie in Österreich

At the end of your traineeship, you have to submit a separate experience report (1-2 pages) in addition to the other documents which relates to the special aspects of your traineeship with a chronic illness that we are allowed to upload anonymously on the website.

Last Modification: 30.11.2022 - Contact Person: Webmaster