
Here you will find a selection of companies, organisations and institutions that have employed former interns. Only those institutions with which the interns have had good experiences are included in our partner list.

Overview of partner institutions

Contact details of partner institutions 

Aktuelle Angebote für angehende LehrerInnen:

www.goethe.de | Goethe-Institute

www.bva.bund.de | German schools abroad

www.dfjw.org | Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk; DFJW scholarship possible in addition to Erasmus scholarship

ZFA | Central Agency for Schools Abroad

Foreign language assistantships:

Foreign language assistantships are funded as internships with Erasmus - if necessary also in addition to other (non-EU) funding (see also www.kmk-pad.org/fsa).

DAAD Programm Lehramt.international

Teacher training students alternatively have the possibility to receive funding through the DAAD's "Lehramt.international" programme (http://www.daad.de/go/stipd57479967). This scholarship is higher and excludes Erasmus+ funding. Please do not apply for both scholarships at the same time. Only apply after you have received a rejection from Lehramt.international.

Arbeitszeit bei Lehramt:

The Erasmus programme stipulates that only full-time internships are funded. Full-time is defined according to the standard of the destination country and the usual amount of work for the destination country. It is possible for teachers or trainee teachers to teach twelve hours a week. Added to the time for preparation and follow-up work, this results in a full working week, which is eligible for funding without restrictions.

Last Modification: 17.01.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster